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This function stores proposals generated by the build_proposal() function in R's internal data directory. It is useful when users want to reuse a proposal across multiple R sessions.


save_proposal(proposal, proposal_name)



list representing an optimized proposal generated using the build_proposal() function.


string specifying the name under which the proposal will be saved.


This function will produce an error if the proposal is not generated by the build_proposal() function. Otherwise, it successfully saves the proposal without returning any value upon completion.


# First, let's create a proposal to sample from a standard normal distribution
f_normal <- function(x) { 0.3989423 * exp( -0.5 * x^2) }
normal_proposal = build_proposal(f = f_normal, modes = 0, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, steps = 1000)
#> ── Proposal Summary ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> • Total steps: 1,000
#> • Steps range: [-2.876766, 2.876766]
#> • Sampling efficiency: 99.56%

# Then, we can save this proposal in R's internal data directory using `save_proposal()`
# with the name "normal"
save_proposal(normal_proposal, "normal")

# To make sure the `normal_proposal` has been stored in R's internal data directory,
# we can print all saved proposals using `print_proposals()`
#> ── Proposals Data ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Name                 | Size (KB)       | Date                
#> -----------------------------------------------
#> bimodal              | 26.88           | 2025-03-10 14:27:27 
#> normal               | 23.05           | 2025-03-10 14:27:27 
#> -----------------------------------------------
#> Total Size: 49.93